I had a few finishes this past week to share. The first, completed sometime early this past week, was the
Divine Hat by Sarah Arnold, and the second was the matching scarf in the
Orient Heights Pattern. I didn't make it an infinity scarf because I thought the yarn was too thick to work well as an infinity scarf. It is really luscious thick yarn, called Cascade Pacific Chunky Multi Yarn and I managed to catch it on a Craftsy a couple months ago at 70% off. The colorway is Grapes.
I'm constantly surprised at how quickly something can crochet up. Quick, beautiful finishes like this can be therapeutic.
On Friday I was up late, sorting through my fleece stash. I had collected a bunch of this stuff three or four years ago back when my friends and I were doing yearly Project Linus donations but that fell off and it has been languishing ever since.
The pile of fleece on the left will eventually become crochet edged fleece blankets for Project Linus or something similar, and the pile on the right will become quick serged baby blankets for Dolls4Alzheimer's.
Dolls4Alzheimer's is the current charity that one of my Facebook groups is collecting handmade items for. They run a doll therapy program, which has been found to bring peace and purpose to Alzhiemer's and dementia patients, giving them something to do. Here is a
short article on doll therapy, if you are interested.
It feels like this year is quickly becoming a Stash Busting year crafty wise and I'm very happy to finally have something to do with the fleece, which has been taking up valuable storage space in my sewing room. Because the blankets are small, I should be able to get a good number of them done with the fleece on hand and they stitch up quite quickly. I did four on Friday night.
On Saturday, I made it to my cousin's Chinese New Year performance, did several loads of laundry and some other much needed housework while the Wing's game was on, and since Jack was at Dagorhir practice, spent the remainder of the day in my sewing room trying to get through the quilt I started last week.
I am happy to say that I finished the binding this morning and while I thought that the texture experiment was worthwhile and I like the finished product, I had to force myself to work on this one and would probably never construct another quilt with the technique I used.
And that brings us up to today. I have church in about an hour, then lunch, and then I plan to come home, sit on my couch, and get some slow stitching in.
Another project using yarn found in my Grandmother's attic. |
Library Kittens will be waiting for me when I get home. :)
At last update |
As of 02/06/2016 |
Happy Stitching All! Linking up to
Slow Stitching Sunday@Kathy's Quilts and
MOP Monday@Tweety Loves Quilting