Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Sometime this spring, I stopped getting emails for comments, so I haven't been able to reply to my readers as I would like to. Due to Real Life, I wasn't able to look into it until now. Unfortunately it appears that all my settings are correct and so the mystery continues as I attempt to find a work-around. Please everyone, know that I read and appreciate every comment.

Since I couldn't respond directly to Justine (nice to hear from you as always and I agree that the Smidget is much more fascinating than my crafty projects!) I decided to respond in this post. First, here is a picture of the Smidget. I know I was overdue to show him off again.

He's a delightful happy little guy, very playful and snuggly. The reason I'm not sharing dozens of photos (I'm a proud mama and would happily do so) is that his father and I agreed that limiting his online exposure is in his best interests. We intentionally do not, and have requested that family members do not, publish photos of him on any social media platform. So I have had to exercise restraint and will unfortunately probably stop sharing photos all together when he gets a little older. It makes me so sad that this is where we are as a society, but I must adapt to what I cannot change.

Now for the boring stuff. I'm chugging away on the Amethyst Project Bags. Slow. Slow. Slow. With many mistakes and having to recut pieces. Its been an experience. I'm getting there though. They will be lovely when completed, or so I keep telling myself.

I have spent a bit of time on other projects here and there but mostly we were working on converting the family room to a baby safe area. Its mostly complete and now the Smidget can free range over most of the space, which he seems to enjoy. There are still a few things on our list to do and of course, he still finds things to get into but on a whole I'm pleased with how well it worked out.

Thank you all for your comments and I hope to resolve the email issue soon so I can easily get back to you directly.


  1. Thank you - he's gorgeous! He looks like a very happy boy. Sadly I have never felt able to post photos of my kids on the internet, I quite understand your feelings.
    There is a fix on the email issue, if you look at Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching she has posted recently about it. It seems to be working, for me at least.

  2. Your little guy is such a cutie. What a great smile.


  3. If you figure out the email thing, I would love to know! Haven't been getting the new comment emails either (not cool!). Love seeing the cute little guy...good luck making sure that everything is Smidget safe!

  4. Great Post! Thank you for sharing your experiences and I look forward to reading more.
