Hmm well in review I think that I did okay this past month. I wanted to get my DP9 quilt top put together, which I finished yesterday. Okay, it was a day late, but I'm still counting it for January.
I started putting on the borders last night, and cut the top and bottom borders too short. By two inches, so no amount of fuzzy math and fabric fudging was going to make it work. So I added a little bit to each end, trimmed, and discovered that they were still too short. That is when I packed everything up and called it a night.
Just a quick note - you can't see the border because it blends so well with my curtains but it will have a one inch dark red border and then a two inch black marble border (its a stonehenge fabric I've been dying to use). I don't know if you have been able to tell, but I really like red. :)
In addition, I finished adding the borders to my HST Quilt yesterday.
Final size: 44" x 53" |
I have come to the relatively untested conclusion that measuring for borders across the center of the quilt works best for me. I suppose I will just have to make more quilts to test this hypothesis thoroughly. This one had a variation of half an inch between the top and the bottom (huh? how did that happen?) but it seems to have squared itself up rather nicely.
January NewFO was my mini block quilt. I made one block from it, as I wanted to. I started a couple others but they weren't working out and I eventually got too irritated and set it aside.
I think this project isn't being worked on because I don't like the colors. They are all saturated and its not coming out the way I had hoped. But I only have one block done, so starting over wouldn't be a big deal. I'm just not sure where I want to take this.
Making my skirt was an epic fail and I didn't even start quilting the neon scrap quilt. I have ordered a book on sewing techniques and one on pattern design and I will probably be spending a decent amount of February working on projects that hone my garmenting skills.
And now, for February Goals (epic intro music here).
A Lovely Year of Finishes
For February ALYoF, I would like to sandwich and quilt the HST quilt. Bonus: binding! I think I have batting floating around here somewhere.
NewFO at Catpatches
I'm actually not sure that I'm going to participate this month because I have so much else going on but, if I did, I would either work on Aiming for Accuracy Quilt, my Black, Red, and Gray quilt, my Halloween twister, or Jack's medallion quilt. So, not a lot of options there, haha.
Project 144
For Project 144 this month, I'm going to work on improving my sewing skills and pattern alteration and drafting skills. I am uncertain what types of projects I will be working on as I will be trying to work from a book I don't have yet. However, I will attempt to modify them so that they are still Ragnarok Worthy in the end.
In My Spare Time
I would still like to quilt the neon quilt and also quilt and bind the train quilt. So no pressure. You know, as much as I despise the Nyan Cat meme, this quilt does remind me of it a little. I may have to call it the Nyan Quilt. *cringe*
Oh and just to make things even more busy, I just acquired this:
The Kona Solids Slate Rock FQ Pack, which I will be using to make a HST/QST quilt in the spirit of the
Celebration of the Hand quilt by Angela Flicker.