Monday, January 1, 2018

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

With the Smidget getting a little older and starting to consolidate his day time naps into something longer than thirty minutes, its entirely possible that I might manage to squeeze an hour or two of dedicated crafting time into each day. 
New Year's is typically a time when I want to start new projects, and while I want to do so this year, I'm also feeling the weight of all the things I've already started but not yet completed.

Yarn for two ongoing projects
Christmas yarn for a new project! 

I've consolidated all the yarn not actively involved in something into storage bins. I've cleaned the vast majority of my crafty projects out of the living room, sorting those I want to keep on hand into three totes in a basket and one bin for the temperature blanket. The rest went into my sewing room. I'm going to try to keep only one crochet and one cross stitch project in the living room at a time and put anything I'm not actively working on away. This will become especially critical when the Smidget becomes mobile.

The two new projects I am celebrating the New Year with are Persian Tiles Blanket using Sheepjes Spirit yarn and Guardian Angel by LA Williams cross stitch, which Jack kitted up for me for Christmas.

I also had a couple last minute finishes for 2017. The first was a couple water bottle carriers and the second was a scarf which I haven't had time to photograph yet.

I have six more of these to make and I hope to have them done by the end of the week (hahaha).

Let me know if you made any plans for the New Year, I'd love to hear about them!


  1. I love your skeins of yarn Kaelyn. I posted my stitching plans on my blog.

    Happy New Year,

  2. Happy New Year Kaelyn! I'm laughing at the photo at the start of this post - is that a joke?! I still have a project from 2008!

    My new year plans are to get rid of a couple of old WIPs that I will never stitch, finish off a couple of others, and just enjoy OOAT stitching like I used to.

    Good luck with your goals, I find having one or two projects out at once is much more motivating than being overwhelmed with WIPs.
